AP English has been a boot camp of a class for me. It really whipped me into shape really quickly, something that for some reason couldn't have been achieved for me all of my conscious writing career until this year.
I used to focus a lot on style, thinking that it was the only thing that made good writing. I thought that varied sentence structure and diction was the only essential tool, and even though I maintained that illusion for a while, I didn't understand quality sentence structure and diction. I saw that throughout the year, I had been able to pay attention to different tools of grammar to make writing more than just simple, but I learned to control tone with effective diction and syntax. It was beyond adding a couple clauses to my sentences. My posts went from okay sentence structure and a somewhat sophisticated tone that used to be the crux of my formal writing to being able to shape my tone around the context of the article I wrote about and having a real voice of my own. I was able to engage an internet audience by creating a persona of a curious, appreciative reader; creating an authentic reader meant making someone who was amused with an amusing article, emotional with a sad movie, or serious with a traumatic event in world news. I was able to show that I developed as a reader that responded to the texts I read.
I continued to improve my writing by also being able to move away from my excessive focus on "complex" sentence structure and focus on context. I went from listing the TOW requirements one sentence after another and began to really delve into the pieces of the article that made it effective or not effective. I was finally able to connect ideas between the different rhetorical devices in question and its relationship the different areas of rhetorical strategies such as author, purpose, genre, context, and so and so forth. I didn't focus on meeting every area of the assignment that seemed to demand these things for each post and began to make active rhetorical decisions on what to include and what not to include.
I also enhanced my content by not only delving deeper into the articles, but choosing interesting unique articles that weren't just editorials of politics and the news. My texts could have been either an interesting statistical analysis, an info graphic or an interesting article about the science of paper. This demanded my interest and forced me to give stronger attention to detail. This new choice of articles gave me the opportunity to ask myself clarifying questions to guide my post such as, "why did I love this article?" and "how do I tell people why I love this article?"
Despite my improvements, I could still improve on choosing articles that would enhance my vocabulary and also practicing better vocabulary. That would come in handy for being able to express myself properly. I feel like a lot of my emotions and opinions could be oversimplified in a post if I were not to find a perfect word for it. I feel like a lot of times, I struggle to find the perfect word for a situation, and I would love to be able to write freely without the crutch of trying to search for a synonym for a word that already doesn't quite fit.
On top of that, I would also like to be able to explain my analysis more clearly and feel like my writing could benefit by uniting the piece overall by relating it back to my own purpose and thesis. This would improve overall clarity and build a more convincing argument.
Overall, I was impressed with the "kill two birds with one stone" effect of the TOW assignments. Throughout the year, they forced me to be able to have "meat" to bring to the table when I was required to bring evidence to argument papers. I also was forced to practice my weakest essay type of Analysis. To me, analysis required the most connection of different complex English ideas I had never explored or paid attention to before in my English career. I was very fuzzy on the idea of writing and Analysis paper, but I realized that writing the TOWs gave me better practice of reading critically, analyzing clearly, and writing with clarity for a reader. Remembering my thought process on the TOWs gave me a clearcut path to a good Analysis paper and I hope that these skills as a critical reader and writer will continue to improve.